Category: Educational

When is it a good time to address your HOA Board Members
Educational | October 3, 2019
When is it a good time to address your HOA Board Members

When it is it the right time to ask questions of your HOA Board members? When a Board member for a community association is living their daily lives, perhaps walking their dog, or at home watching TV it is not appropriate to ask them to commit to answers without the other Board members. The community member should attend their HOA…

Are the tough/good times worth being a Board Member in an HOA?
Educational | October 3, 2019
Are the tough/good times worth being a Board Member in an HOA?

James Phifer interviews Pat Crosscombe a Board Member for a Condo Association in Canada. Asking her in this snippit of the full interview, if the tough times of being a Board Member for a Community Association is worth it. Her response of the duty of a member of an HOA to serve as a Board Member is perfect!

November Home Maintenance To-Do-List
apartments, community management, condos, Educational, HOAs, property management | November 20, 2018
November Home Maintenance To-Do-List

It is that time of year again!  With winter upon us and the holidays fast approaching it is important to complete some housekeeping tasks around the house.  

Assessments, Budget, business, community management, condos, Educational, HOAs | August 30, 2018
WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT Homeowner Association Assessments (HOA Dues) are used to keep your association running. Just like the money you pay to keep your electricity on, if the association doesn’t receive your assessments then all the funds budgeted won’t be available to keep the association running. What do your assessments cover? Your annual, monthly or quarterly HOA payment will...
Loss Assessment Insurance
community management, condos, Educational, HOAs | July 6, 2017
Loss Assessment Insurance

insurance provider has an exclusion to cover deductibles!

Community Association Loans
buying, community management, condos, Educational, HOAs, property management, real estate, Uncategorized | April 17, 2017
Community Association Loans

Taking a loan is becoming an even more popular option for community associations.

Utilizing Personal or Work Email for HOA Business
community management, condos, Educational, HOAs, real estate, technology | April 11, 2017
Utilizing Personal or Work Email for HOA Business

ACCU, Inc. is always recommending to our Boards to set up an email address other than the email addresses they use for work or business

Key to Successful Living in a Homeowners Association
Educational, Uncategorized | March 20, 2017
Key to Successful Living in a Homeowners Association

Most people report that they are satisfied with their organization. While there is no shortage of reports of dissatisfaction with community associations, most people report being satisfied with their group. According to Community Association Institute statistics, 64 percent of residents report being satisfied with their organization while 26 percent reported a neutral response. Ten percent of respondents in that same 2014 survey report dissatisfaction.

Educational, Uncategorized | March 20, 2017
The Continuing Battle Over the Super Lien

By ensuring that the association has sufficient cash flow, the bank’s security is protected and is not diminishing in value.