When it is it the right time to ask questions of your HOA Board members? When a Board member for a community association is living their daily lives, perhaps walking their dog, or at home watching TV it is not appropriate to ask them to commit to answers without the other Board members. The community member should attend their HOA meeting, or join their Condo meeting and address the Board when a meeting is called to order. Otherwise, you can contact the communities community association manager and ask them to handle the question with the Board.
It is also not kind for homeowners who have information to not share it with the Board or the manager prior to the meeting. Members who have intentions on sabatoshing the Board meeting with information should know that is not a good way to conduct business and puts both the manager and the Board of Directors on the defensive. It is best to supply them with the information prior to the meeting so they can be prepared with an answer at the HOA meeting.
Meeting with Pat Crosscombe Board member. Full interview here.
As always we want to promote that HOA management is about kindness. Community Association Manager positions are very difficult, and it is the communities that treat us well that make this a wonderful career choice. We thank all of our communities that make our company a great company to work for!
As always if you are a Board member or a community member that would like to have time on our YouTube channel you can always reach out to James Phifer directly at 303-733-1121.
If you are a community member of one of our wonderful community associations you may always reach us at the number above or by submitting a support ticket to [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you view our future vlogs, and if you haven’t already please like and subscribe to our youtube channel.
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