Tag: condo

HOA Board Q & A with James Phifer
Assessments, Budget, community management, condos, Educational, HOAs, property management, real estate | February 11, 2020
HOA Board Q & A with James Phifer

James Phifer does a Q&A with Board Members and Association Members.

Educational, Uncategorized | January 16, 2020
January 16, 2020

James Phifer:                     Hello, everybody, and welcome back. I will tell you what. A lot is going into this new year. This gentleman right here is a vote of congratulations for the purchase of Knott Laboratories. Give us your elevator pitch. Mike Lowe:                         Yeah, elevator pitch. So Knott Laboratory, we’ve been around since 1982, and we’re just here to help you…

Prepaid Assessment Pitfalls - HOA Management
Educational | January 2, 2020
Prepaid Assessment Pitfalls – HOA Management

Prepaid assessments are great! However, be careful how quickly the association spends the income. It is importnat to remember those members won’t be contributing to the funds of the community for another year. Here is a good tip on how to account for the funds so a community doesn’t overspend.

South Carolina introduces a bill that may take away the right for an HOA to foreclose!
Industry Updates | December 16, 2019
South Carolina introduces a bill that may take away the right for an HOA to foreclose!

South Carolina is introducing a bill that may take away the HOA ability to foreclose on home. Many assume it is the HOA Manageent Company that has the authroity to foreclose, however; it is the Corporation which is the HOA that has the ability to foreclose on a condo, townhome, singlefamily home, etc. The inability to foreclose may cause non-payment…

True cost of hiring a low-cost HOA Management company Review
Educational | December 5, 2019
True cost of hiring a low-cost HOA Management company Review

What is the true cost of HOA Management?

Running an HOA Management Company
Educational | October 7, 2019
Running an HOA Management Company

I was coming back from our Mountain communities when I took the picture of the lady holding the stop sign for the tumbnail in this video. The video describes some of the hardships regarding the switching of management software providers. As a company it is important that we always try and provide the best technology to our clients for a…

Interview with HOA Board Member Pat Crosscombe
Industry Updates | October 4, 2019
Interview with HOA Board Member Pat Crosscombe

James Phifer interviews Pat Crosscombe. A Board member who served her condominium community in Canada. The discuss topics such as what it is like being a Board member, getting elected to a Board of Directors, developer issues, using kindness in the daily business, making sure to inform your Board and community manager and much more!

Is your manager qualified for HOA?
Uncategorized | August 6, 2019
Is your manager qualified for HOA?

ACCU, Inc. was heavily involved in the steakholder process for manager licensing. ACCU, Inc. continued to avocate for the continuation of manager licensing knowing it was best for our industry and it is what our clients wanted. Thoughts on manager licensing.

Assessments, Budget, business, community management, condos, Educational, HOAs | August 30, 2018
WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT Homeowner Association Assessments (HOA Dues) are used to keep your association running. Just like the money you pay to keep your electricity on, if the association doesn’t receive your assessments then all the funds budgeted won’t be available to keep the association running. What do your assessments cover? Your annual, monthly or quarterly HOA payment will...
Budget Season is Here!
Budget, business, condos, HOAs, property management | August 28, 2018
Budget Season is Here!

September is the start of “Budget Season” for those communities for a fiscal year end of December 31.  What to expect this year: